Dec 6, 2007

Research and Mini Update

So who said it wasn't a good idea to marry a women who's father was an ex-marine? Well I will tell you this having him readily accessible to answer any questions I had in reference to his Boot Camp experiences and the chain of command questions of the US Marine Corp was great sense having several questions regarding 2152 ranks. With that being said some characters have had their military ranks changed to show a correct level of rank based on the USA Marine Corp. So yeah we have been working on getting a few things done and out of the way so all of the characters can be outfitted with their proper armor and have everything work and make sense. We are trying to make this fun and have a comedy but don't want things contradicting themselves and make us look like we didn't put anytime into the creation of this story.

We have finished up the first script which is entitled "Camp Preparation". In this episode we try to introduce some of the main characters and let you get a feel for there attitudes and personalities. We are looking forward to completing about 7-8 more full scripts and produce the first 5 full episodes before releasing the first so you know you will have something to follow over a 5-6 week period. We do have a definite direction for this series and are not just "winging it" until something comes to us. Please keep your eyes out for the episodes because full blown production should be starting mid next week. Right now we are also developing a script with about 5 lines for each character that will express different tones and situations for our voice casting. Below I have listed out the different characters we have an who we currently have voice actors for and who is open.

The roles listed below are current cast members that will be needed definitely to carry the series along. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the test script and sending me a voice recording with 15 seconds of dead air between each line acted out with different emotions please contact me at

Colonel Grant Juice: Travis
Major Carl Parker: Adam
Master Sergeant Rusty Pipes:
Private Brock Lee:
Recruit Barry Cade:
Recruit Owen Cash:
Recruit Richard Pole:
Recruit Ivan Order:
Warren Piece: Adam
Ex-President Richard Tader(not currently going to be used until later but major role):
Darrel B. Moore(not currently going to be used until later but major role):

President Al Gorerythm:
Sara Lee:
