Feb 13, 2008


So, I am back and feeling good. How about all of you viewers? I hope you guys are getting ready. Things are going to be getting bigger and better and pretty fast. First off let me go out and say happy 23rd birthday to "Mag". Surprisingly he spent his birthday doing….Wait for it…..Wait for it……Halo 3 matchmaking and followed up that with some scene recording….More on that later I got some other news I want to get out there first.

Well I am not sure if everyone heard the news yet but we were chosen as the POW (Project Of the Week) over at Celtx.com (Best script writing software ever… and it’s free). Celtx has helped us double our views on our first promo shoot in about 3 days time. It is going great and the publicity has helped out greatly. Below are a couple key things from Shelia's review on 2152: Camp Newbii.

"This week's recipient of the Celtx Project of the Week is
Travis Fitzgerald, creator of an action-packed, Halo 3 Machinima, sci-fi comedy
called 2152: Camp Newbii."

"Camp Newbii refers to the official training grounds or
Boot Camp for the Elite Spartan Marine Corps which is essentially comprised of a
quirky chain of command of egos and misfits. Respected little, and often the
butt of jokes amongst the crowd at HQ, all ranks, from Private Lee to Colonel
Juice take a turn at attempting to impress, and prove they are worthy and an
asset to the Team. Cover-ups and calamities ensue however, with comical results."

"From developing the characters, writing the lines,
doing casting calls and voice over's, web design, and video promos, it's clear
that terrific effort has been put into this project to date…"

So there you have it. We have been alive for just under 4 months and have already achieved the POW status over at Celtx and the wonderful review has made this project that much more important to the whole crew. We are looking forward to winning more contests and gaining more exposure for the new series.

I mentioned before about recording some scenes last night and we did just that. I believe what we are going to do is do all of the scene recording for the first 8 episodes before we do any major post work so that it is all right there and once we get going we can keep going. We are still pushing for a premier episode to be live by the first weekend of march. That would mean getting 8 episodes completed and doing all the post work by then but we are hopeful. Either way you will not get a POS version because we are rushing but we do have an absolute deadline we have set for our selves and will be getting those out there for you soon.

As always thanks for checking in and look for a new promo with featuring Juice, Parker, and Lee by Monday night next week. By the way, spread the word! If you tell 3 friends and they tell 3 of theirs we can get this community growing.
